Announcing Dolores Cannon's Group Regression/Progression Workshop Next Session November 2, 2024 (SOLD OUT!! Next Date: TBA)Cost: $35.00 per person

How QHHT® Works

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) is a revolutionary method of hypnosis created by the late Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist and author. QHHT® takes clients into the deepest level of hypnosis, the Somnambulistic state, which allows access to the subconscious mind. In this state, clients can uncover profound insights about their past, present, and future, connect with their Higher Self, and experience extraordinary levels of wisdom and healing.

I am a firm believer in Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) as one of the most profound forms of mind, body, and spirit healing available today. This technique induces individuals into the theta state of trance, a natural process we experience daily before becoming consciously awake and before falling asleep. By bypassing the conscious mind, QHHT® focuses on obtaining unlimited information from the Higher Self, the reservoir of answers for one's life.

Your Higher Self becomes the guide, leading you through past, present, future, in-between, and/or other life experiences. During the session, we perform a body scan, addressing your health questions with your Higher Self. Immediate healing is possible when appropriate, and we delve into all aspects of your life and personal questions prepared prior to the session.

QHHT® has proven effective in various areas, including:

  • Healing the Body: Amplifying the body’s natural ability to heal itself
  • Removing Karma: Realigning energies with family and romantic partners
  • Discovering Answers: Unraveling personal mysteries

Exploring the Benefits of QHHT®

The benefits of QHHT® extend far beyond physical healing. Clients often report:

  • Emotional Healing: Release of long-held emotional traumas and negative patterns.
  • Spiritual Growth: Enhanced connection to their higher self and spiritual guides.
  • Life Clarity: Clear answers to personal and existential questions, leading to a greater sense of purpose.
  • Enhanced Well-Being: A holistic improvement in mental, emotional, and physical health.

Tips for a Successful QHHT® Session

To make the most of your QHHT® session, consider the following tips:

  1. Be Open and Receptive: Approach the session with an open mind and a willingness to explore whatever arises.
  2. Prepare Your Questions: Write down the questions or concerns that you have for your session beforehand. This helps the practitioner guide the session effectively.
  3. Trust the Process: Trust in the guidance of your subconscious mind and the expertise of your higher self and practitioner.
  4. Relax and Let Go: Allow yourself to relax fully and surrender to the experience.

QHHT® sessions are held in utmost privacy and confidentiality. Your personal information is never shared without explicit consent, and to maintain this confidentiality, I kindly request that you attend the session alone. Creating a secure environment, I ensure a judgment-free space where you can express yourself freely.

Given the deeply personal and sensitive nature of the information shared during a QHHT® session, I place a high priority on privacy and confidentiality. Your session takes place in a safe and secure setting, fostering a sense of comfort and ease. Every detail discussed remains completely confidential, shared only with you. Recognizing the significance of trust in our therapeutic relationship, I am dedicated to earning and upholding that trust.

Should you wish to share your session, you have the option as a recording of the entire regression will be provided for you to take home.

A reminder: during the session, you are only presented with information that your Higher Self deems you are ready and prepared to handle. Rest assured, your safety and protection are paramount. Your Higher Self will guide you to the most appropriate time and place for the healing you need to progress in your life.

The unpredictability of where your Higher Self will lead you during a session adds an element of excitement. It's essential not to set specific expectations for outcomes; instead, embrace the flow and remain open to whatever experiences unfold.

Our journey begins with a thorough interview, a space where you can freely share your life story without judgment. This crucial step, lasting approximately 2 hours (though never rushed), establishes trust and rapport, ensuring the highest healing and outcome tailored for you. We take all the time needed for your unique healing journey.

Moving forward, we delve into the heart of the session. Whether it's a past, present, future, or other life regression, we connect with your Higher Self, perform a comprehensive body scan, and address all your health, body, and life questions from your pre-prepared list. Healing, in its diverse forms—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—takes place in this transformative phase, lasting around 2 hours (flexible to accommodate your needs).

As we conclude, we engage in a post-session review, dedicating 45 minutes to an hour to walk through your experience together. This essential step allows you to fully ground yourself back into the present before leaving for the day.

While many clients vividly recall their sessions, I offer a recording for you to take home, ensuring you can revisit and integrate the messages and frequencies encoded in your session into your life. Sessions typically span 5-7 hours—a small investment of time for such a profound and life-changing transformative experience.

Prepare for your QHHT® session by crafting two lists of questions, which we will review together during our interview. Your Higher Self will be invited in after the past or other life review, providing the higher guidance and wisdom needed for this phase of the session. No question is off-limits, so feel free to ask anything you wish.

The first list, focusing on Body/Health questions, addresses any concerns about your body or health. During the body scan, your Higher Self will bring your body back into balance instantaneously when appropriate. Examples include pains, discomfort, ailments, dis-ease, and prescriptions.

The second list is for Life and Personal questions, where you can gain insight directly from your Higher Self. Ask about your life purpose, connections with others, dreams, messages from loved ones, or any burning questions you've always wanted answers to. Your Higher Self will provide information for your highest benefit and healing mentally, emotionally, and physically.

This simple preparation is all you need for your QHHT® session. Avoid setting expectations and allow your Higher Self and me to guide you without analyzing or questioning the visuals, feelings, and information presented during your experience. We'll take the time needed on the day of your session for your highest good and healing. I recommend bringing a snack and drink, though sessions typically pass quickly.

You'll receive a recorded copy of the session, as your Higher Self has indicated that encoded frequencies in these recordings continue to offer healing. Quantum Healing transcends the session's end, providing an additional reminder of the profound information and healing from your Higher Self each time you listen.

For optimal results, refrain from caffeine or stimulants on the day of your session to enhance your ability to enter a deep meditative state. Your journey to healing and self-discovery awaits!"

Preparing questions for your QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) session can help you gain clarity and receive insightful guidance from your Higher Self. Here’s a list of questions to inspire and guide you in creating your own personalized questions for your QHHT® session:

Health and Well-being

  1. What is the root cause of my physical ailment or pain?
  2. How can I heal from my current health condition?
  3. What lifestyle changes should I make to improve my health and well-being?

Personal and Life Purpose

  1. What is my life purpose?
  2. What lessons am I supposed to learn in this lifetime?
  3. What career path will bring me the most fulfillment and success?
  4. How can I achieve my highest potential?
  5. What can I do to live a more joyful and meaningful life?


  1. What is the purpose of my relationship with [specific person]?
  2. How can I improve my relationship with my partner, family, or friends?
  3. Are there any past life connections influencing my current relationships?

Spiritual Growth

  1. How can I strengthen my connection to my higher self?
  2. What spiritual practices should I incorporate into my daily routine?
  3. How can I enhance my intuitive abilities?

Personal Challenges and Obstacles

  1. What is the root cause of my fear, anxiety, or depression?
  2. What limiting beliefs are holding me back?
  3. How can I release negative patterns and habits?

Financial and Career

  1. What is blocking me from achieving financial abundance?
  2. How can I align my career with my soul’s purpose?
  3. What steps should I take to achieve financial stability and success?

Personal and Spiritual Guidance

  1. What messages does my higher self have for me?
  2. What spiritual gifts do I possess, and how can I use them?
  3. How can I enhance my connection with my spiritual guides and angels?

Life Events and Circumstances

  1. Why did I experience [specific event] in my life?
  2. How can I find peace and closure regarding [specific event or situation]?
  3. What is the significance of my current life circumstances?

Please take the time to personalize a list for your specific questions or concerns. Remember, the more open and receptive you are, the more profound and insightful your QHHT session will be.

The Higher Self, as revealed in a QHHT session, shared profound insights into how this technique works and how to optimize results.

They described the healing process during a QHHT® session as akin to surgery and repair, where instantaneous healing occurs through a white crystal light infused in the body, targeting specific areas needing healing. The Higher Self's energy responds when called upon with intention, setting the stage for profound healing in the human body during a QHHT® session.

(Very Important to read prior to your session) The Higher Self emphasized the importance of opening the heart to receive healing through a QHHT® body scan. Prior to the session, they advised placing hands over the heart and repeating the mantra "My Heart Is Open" to establish belief in the healing process.

Belief, according to the Higher Self, is crucial, as a lack of belief can block the connection with the Higher Self. The Higher Self clarified that a QHHT® session not only aligns and balances chakras but also connects individuals to chosen past lives for maximum healing by releasing emotions causing energetic blockages. Furthermore, the session facilitates the release of karmic attachments from previous lives.

Always attuned to what's best, the Higher Self holds all the answers for your life. Trust and believe that every aspect of your QHHT® session is geared towards your highest healing to help you live your best life. Importantly, you and your Higher Self are in control of the session, ensuring that you are only shown what you are ready for. You are safe, protected, and surrounded by love.

Let's Start Your Healing Journey

Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential and connecting with your higher self through Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). At The QHHT Experience, I'm dedicated to providing a safe and confidential environment for your journey. Contact me today to schedule your session and start experiencing the benefits of QHHT.